This morning I got a call from one of my families. "We think you gave the kids bad dairy yesterday," the dad says. "They've been vomiting all night. Don't drink any milk this morning."
POISONED the kids? I began to panic.
Me, freaking out: Oh my god, that's terrible. I'm so sorry--I feel awful! I wonder what would have done it. Let me check my fridge--no, the milk's fine, and the yogurt's good, too. Actually, I ate and drank the same things as the kids, and I feel fine. I wonder if [other child] is sick, too? Why don't I call his parents and get back to you right away? Oh, this is terrible!
Dad 1: They're doing much better now. I gave the baby some breakfast 10 minutes ago, and he seems to be holding it down. I'll see how he does, then give you a call if it looks like we'll be there today.
Me, silently to self: WHAT THE FUCK??? You want to bring your child to my house when he's been THROWING UP all morning???
Me, to Dad 1: Um, I'll give you a call back right away.
Dad 2: Good morning!
Me, nervously: Good morning. I'm calling to see how the little guy is feeling.
Dad 2: He's fine. Is everything okay?
Me, pissing myself in relief: Oh, I'm so glad he's well! It sounds like the other kids caught a stomach bug, but their parents and I were concerned about food poisoning.
Dad 2, confidently: It must be a bug, since Junior ate the same things they did and he's doing great.
Me: I'm so glad. I'll see you guys soon!
Me: Hi, it's me again. It turns out that [other child] is feeling fine, too. I wonder if the boys caught a stomach virus?
Dad 1: Well, we thought it was bad dairy because the boys threw up a lot of undigested milk.
Me, to self: Well, they would, wouldn't they? They're sick!
Me, to Dad 1: I'm so sorry they aren't feeling well!
Dad 1: Actually, they seem fine now. I guess we're just going to treat this as a normal day. We'll see you soon!
Me, nervously: Um, I'm concerned about that. Since Baby has been vomiting, I worry that he could pass the virus to the other 2 kids and to me.
Dad 2: Would you prefer we keep him home?
Me, guiltily: Yes, I would.
So that's that. No food poisoning, no vomiting here at Chez AJWP. Except the whole episode makes me feel terrible! I know I did nothing wrong, but this is the first time I've had to tell a family that their child couldn't attend my program. I'm angry that the parents don't respect my sick policy, but I'm even angrier at myself for being so wimpy. I'm great at setting limits with the kids, but why am I so sucky at setting limits with their parents?