Friday, February 10, 2006


I promised myself I wouldn't cry at last night's meeting, and I did pretty well right up until our individual talk with the head of the adoption agency. Petunia and I told her where we are in the process (stalled out) and asked her if she had any ideas for us. This lady, bless her heart, said that it's possible to adopt kids from other states' DSS with a private homestudy. It would mean paying private adoption fees and doing lots of checking to be certain they wouldn't discriminate against a lesbian couple, but we wouldn't have to pay birthmother costs, out-of-state agency fees, etc. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but at least we have another possibility.


Blogger Psycho Kitty said...

It is going to work out, honey. Your baby is already planned for you, he/she just has to get ready. I really believe that. It just sucks, having to wait until it happens.
And I hope you feel better, btw!

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor AJPP and Petunia! I know something will work out for you but it's so frustrating and hard. I'm sending you a warm yellow comforter of positive thoughts!

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sweety,
I was there and I did not and still do not think you were a cry baby. This is a most unpleasent process that 1. very personal, 2. controlled by social service agencies, 3. costs exorbanent amounts of money, 4. is about making our family. You are very right to cry about it. It is hard, gut wrenching, and filled with so much loss and grief. But we will make it and you will be a mother, and not a mother, he he he. I love you so much and will be there every step of the way with you and will always have a shoulder or kleenex or puffs plus or a shirt sleeve.

10:27 AM  

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