Friday, February 23, 2007

The real world

The real world intrudes on us this weekend. I'm staying home from the hospital tonight to take care of some non-Hester things: oil change, BJs run, insurance house inspection tomorrow morning, and gazillions of errands. Petunia will be with Hester, so that's good. I'll join them tomorrow after the inspection and we'll spend the weekend at the hospital again. I already miss Hester and Petunia, though. Bah.

But on the upside, I'll install Hester's infant car seat tonight! It just arrived and it's very cute. It's also supposed to be very safe, so even better. I can't find a professional to install it over the weekend, so I'll just do it myself. I read the instructions cover-to-cover (nerd alert) and I think I'll be fine. Maybe I'll treat the Grey Ghost to a car wash and vacuum, too. Oh, it's exciting times around here! Can you even stand it?

Tonight at 5:10pm, Hester will be 6 weeks old. That's nuts--I can't believe it's been that long since her birth. It's funny, too, because that 6-week mark is magical even with Hester in the hospital: Hester's sleeping through the night better and better, and Petunia and I are learning how to adjust to life with a baby (albeit a baby in the hospital). We're figuring things out little by little, and we're so much less stressed than we were 2 weeks ago.

Yay for that.



Blogger Canada said...

And allow me to say that is Hester is sleeping better at the hospital, she'll probably do even better at home, because there is less noise and beeping and buzzing, etc.

Happy 6 weeks, Hester Willa!

3:40 PM  
Blogger Clementine said...

Ooh, Canada, that's quite encouraging! From your lips to God's ears.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Psycho Kitty said...

Can you make a run by the local firehouse once you've put in the carseat? I think they'll take a look at it for you.
PS--got the valentine today. CUTIE!!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Mommato2 said...

Hi there...I linked into your blog awhile ago, and have been checking back to see how Hester is doing.

I bet you are both so anxious to get her home so you can have her all to yourselves. She is a real cutie pie!

I am a Mom from Canada, and one of my best friends adopted a baby here 18 months is quite a process, but the end result is definitely worth it. (as you both already know)

Congratulations to all of you, and I hope Hester's health continues to improve.

Best wishes.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Clementine said...

Hi Mommato2! Sadly, Blogger wouldn't let me click through to your blog. Would you please tell me your URL so that I might visit your site? Thanks, and thank you for your very kind comment!

4:27 PM  

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