Friday, October 06, 2006

Anniversary plans

This anniversary weekend was going to be awesome. We were planning to head out of town, probably to the small town in Vermont where we celebrated our civil union five and a half years ago. We were going to relax, stroll around, celebrate autumn, and be all mushy and whatnot. We figured that a nice long weekend away would be a great way to celebrate five years of marriage.

But then Petunia realized she has to work tomorrow. And then my otolaryngologist wanted to see me Monday morning. And Monday's not a holiday for Petunia, anyway.

So we scrapped those plans and started making new ones. I added another appointment to my day on Monday, figuring that if I'm in town and not working, I might as well schedule my individual homestudy meeting for that afternoon. We began planning to make Sunday our official anniversary day this year, since that'll be the one day we have together this long weekend. And since we'll only have that one day, we're filling it with tons of fun stuff.

We're planning to attend an event on Sunday that's totally wacky and incredibly blog-worthy, so I'll be sure to bring my camera and post about it afterwards. We're also planning to head back out to western Mass for a day of fall fun, including choosing pumpkins and walking along the rail trail. We'll have some good meals, stroll around Northampton again, and be all mushy and whatnot. We might not be able to go away for the weekend, but we can still have a lovely time.


Blogger Psycho Kitty said...

Happy anniversary, you two!!

11:38 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

happy anniversary and here's to many many more!

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you have a nice weekend? Happy Anniversary!!!!

11:10 PM  

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